Program Officer and Research Fellow
Religion and the Public Sphere
Social Science Research Council
Planning Workshop
Jonathan VanAntwerpen is a program officer and research fellow at the Social Science Research Council, where he oversees projects on Religion and the Public Sphere. He is also a fellow at the NYU Institute for Public Knowledge. Currently completing his Ph.D. in the department of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, he received a BA from Calvin College, and an MA in philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His dissertation investigates the transnational struggles over reconciliation that have occurred in the aftermath of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, focusing in particular on the ways that prominent conceptions of reconciliation have been transformed by both religious and secular engagements with the politics of transitional justice. VanAntwerpen is co-editor (with Michael Burawoy) of an online volume entitled Producing Public Sociology (2nd edition, 2005), and co-author (with Craig Calhoun) of “Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, and Hierarchy: ‘Mainstream’ Sociology and its Challengers” in Sociology in America (University of Chicago Press, 2007). Forthcoming publications include “Reconciliation Reconceived: Religion, Secularism, and the Language of Transition?” in Will Kymlicka and Bashir Bashir, eds., The Politics of Reconciliation in Multicultural Societies (Oxford University Press); and “Moral Globalization and Discursive Struggle: Reconciliation, Transitional Justice, and Cosmopolitan Discourse” in Steven Heydemann and David C. Hammack, Philanthropic Projections: Sending Institutional Logics Abroad (Indiana University Press).