Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace Studies University of Notre Dame
Planning Workshop
Daniel Philpott, Ph.D., Harvard, 1996, pursues interests in international relations and political philosophy. His current research revolves around the topic of reconciliation. In particular, he is looking at transitional justice, the question of how societies address past injustices, seeking to balance truth, justice, reconciliation, and stability. He is also collaborating on a major study of global religion and politics based at Harvard University, focusing on religion's impact on the politics of peace and reconciliation. A Senior Associate at the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy, he travels regularly to Kashmir, where he trains leaders in faith-based diplomacy, an activist dimension of his scholarly interests. His first book, published in 2001, is Revolutions in Sovereignty: How Ideas Shaped Modern International Relations (Princeton University Press), a historical account of how new ideas about justice and legitimate authority fashioned the global sovereign states system. Reflecting his interests in political theory and ethics and international relations, he has also written on the morality of self-determination and on religious freedom as an end of American foreign policy. He has published articles in World Politics, Ethics, Political Studies, The Journal of International Affairs, and The National Interest, and has held fellowships at Harvard University, Princeton University, and the Erasmus Institute at Notre Dame.