Project Manager
Engineers Without Borders, Pakistan Region
Copenhagen, Denmark
South/Southeast Asia Workshop
I am the project manager for a shelter project that EWB and Danish Muslim Aid is implementing in the Charsadda district, near Peshawar, with the local partner organization Karwan in Pakistan.
I am responsible for the project from EWB's position, providing technical input. My role in Pakistan is to support and supervise our implementing partner, conduct workshops for the local trainers and beneficiaries on site, and ensure that the technical details and materials are correct and that assessments and reports are submitted in time and have been carried out to satisfaction.
Besides the shelter project, I am the project manager for new disaster risk reduction programmes, which are under development.
Previously I was the technical expert in a local NGO, Dosti Development Foundation, on a FAO donated project of 7000 shelters after the earthquake in 2006. I was responsile for designs, material specifications, trainings to local instructors and overall supervision of the Pakistani team regarding the technical side of the implementation of the project.